Prenuptial and Postnuptial


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Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreement Attorney

Serving All of Porter, Lake & LaPorte County, Indiana

When two people get married, they create a legal partnership. Each person brings into the partnership the debts and assets of their single life which then become a joint concern. As the marriage continues, new assets and debts are created which also go into marital estate. 

If a spouse files for a dissolution of marriage, the marital pool of assets and debts is divided between the two parties and appropriate agreements such as child custody, child support, and parenting plans are drawn up to protect any children of the marriage. This is a very simplistic view of divorce, but it is meant to explain the process in its basic form.

Prenuptial Agreement Attorney

A prenuptial agreement is a legal contract that is signed by both parties prior to a marriage. This agreement can protect the assets that you possess as a single person and keep them separate in case of divorce. This agreement can also include additional provisions for the division of marital property, payment of spousal maintenance, and attorney fees.

Executing a prenuptial agreement will assist both parties in the event of a divorce or death. It can streamline the process and can help avoid litigation. However, a prenuptial agreement cannot be used to determine child custody or child support which can be a contested issue in a divorce.

It is important that if you are considering drafting or signing a prenuptial agreement that you consult with a lawyer. Cioe & Wagenblast, PC can review the agreement with you and address any concerns that you may have with the contract language. Cioe & Wagenblast, PC can also help you negotiate and items in the agreement that you would like to have changed.

Postnuptial Agreement Attorney

Another option is a postnuptial agreement, which can be created after the marriage takes place, and can have a similar effect as a prenuptial agreement - to keep certain assets out of the marital estate of determine the division of assets obtained during the union.

Call for your free consultation today at 219-477-6490

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